Community Showcase Competition - WINNERS!

Community Showcase Competition - WINNERS!

During the Community Showcase Contest you all uploaded over 500 games to GXC. We selected 45 of those games that stood out in the below categories and it's our pleasure to award each of the following game creators a $1,000 cash prize! You can play all these games in your browser on the recently launched GXC.

Congratulations to all the winners! GXC launching is only the start of competitions from GameMaker and Opera GX. We will be running more events (such as Game Jams) to help reward you for your hard work developing amazing games with GameMaker.


You can see all the winning games listed on GXC.

Written by Ross Manthorp

Ross Manthorp handles all things community at the GameMaker team. When he’s not pulling the strings from behind the scenes he’s enjoying Nintendo games, indie games, and getting emotional over cartoons and comics.